Architectural Committee
Additional information on the ARC process and the submission form is available on TownSQ. This is now managed by Goodwin Management Company.
What types of exterior modifications can I make to my home without requiring approval of the association?
All exterior modifications or improvements should be approved through the community association’s architectural control process.

What's the process for submitting the request? How long does it take to get approval?

Once the request is submitted it will be reviewed by the Architectural Control Committee. This committee is tasked by the Board of Directors to review each submission to determine that the request is in compliance with the association’s architectural guidelines. A response from the committee may take as many as 15 days from the date of submission. Please ensure that you provide as much information as possible with your application to avoid delays.

What is the status of my request?
If you have not heard from the Community Manager within 15 days from the date of submission, please submit a request via TownSq or email your Community Manager at